Friday, 30 December 2011

USLegal Online Poker
Win Without Wagering With
New and revolutionary way of playing poker online in the USA and winning money

30 December 2011 – Playing poker online in the US took a turn for the worse in April 2011, with the forced ruling from UIEGA, the governing body of online gambling, and it saw all Americans unable to play at the poker tables online. The latest site that by-passes the rule,, has launched a new way of playing poker, still with the ability to earn money, yet without the wagering.

The new site from the poker duo who created the site is strategically developed to bring the additively popular game to homes around the US, and the world, as there is no betting for real money. The way players earn money is to join the monthly subscription and be entered in monthly draws which lets them earn a portion of $125,000 in cash and prizes for the Silver subscription, and up to $135,000 for the Platinum one, and an additional $50,000 in league tournaments can be won also.

Joyce Fisher, a spokeswoman for the site, said: “We are really pleased with the response at such an early stage in FaceUpGaming's career. As we provide the very best poker site that allows US players, and still give them the chance to win money, it's no wonder our membership site has been welcomed with open arms.

She continued, “Given the chance to win up to $135,000 in prizes and cash, as well as trips to Aruba, the World Series and tons of more fantastic gifts and prizes, we've created such a unique way of playing poker online.”

The site will also host other games such as Backgammon and Chess, but for now, <a href="">online poker</a> is top of the list. Players can see, speak and chat to other players in the US and around the globe when they join each poker table, thanks to the unique interactive poker table configuration. By earning points by beating other players, which can then be used for larger tournaments or in leagues, players can then go for the top prizes and seats at major poker tournaments which are usually shown on TV!

As well as cash prizes and seats at major poker tournaments, FaceUpGaming offers the chance to go to Aruba, whereby the winner will meet Tom McEvoy, receive a gift and a seminar by him, join in the welcome party and beach part as well as being given travel allowance and their hotel paid for. Joyce added, “The Aruba Package is obviously one of the most luxurious of prizes, and in fact, many players try and win this rather than money!”

New players can join up and play against real people in tournaments, leagues, sit n go games as well as 'cash' games, and who are all over the world and the US by using this link For players that are outside of the US, when registering they need to supply their IBEN number to be able to register.

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